
Loadchief Welcome – pg

Welcome Loadchief™ Drivers!

The Association for Delivery Drivers (A4DD) is proud to be the only national not-for-profit organization equipping delivery drivers for success.  This includes training, insurance, discounted tools of the trade, safety resources, and more — all chosen for quality and delivered easily and affordably from our website, taking advantage of our group purchasing power to maximize your savings.

Loadchief drivers joining A4DD receive special benefits:

  • $5.00 introductory membership for 90 days — then ongoing membership will cost barely $1.00 per week
  • Up to $200 off insurance — save 10-20% on Cargo and Occupational Accident rates (use your Loadchief code)
  • Automatically qualify for more Loadchief jobs — A4DD updates Loadchief on your insurance, training, etc.
  • $4.99 Occupational Accident Insurance for a day

One-Day Occupational Accident Insurance

Qualify now for the insurance you need to get that job.  Here are the steps:

  1. Apply to Join A4DD – just click the button below.
  2. After paying the discounted membership fee, click on the “Occupational Accident” link.
  3. Complete the brief insurance application and choose the “One Calendar Day” plan.

We review your application immediately, and Loadchief will be notified automatically so you can be approved for any pending job.  You will receive an email in case of any delay.  Thank you.

Here’s a tip:  purchase OccAcc insurance weekly or monthly and save 40-60% vs. one-day rates.

Then enroll for Occupational Accident insurance.