
Loadchief Welcome

Welcome Loadchief™ Drivers!

The Association for Delivery Drivers (A4DD) is proud to be the only national not-for-profit organization equipping delivery drivers for success.  This includes training, insurance, discounted tools of the trade, safety resources, and more — all chosen for quality and delivered easily and affordably from our website, taking advantage of our group purchasing power to maximize your savings.

Loadchief drivers joining A4DD receive special benefits:

  • $5.00 introductory membership for 90 days — then ongoing membership will cost barely $1.00 per week
  • Up to $200 off insurance — save 10-20% on Cargo and Occupational Accident rates (use your Loadchief code)
  • Automatically qualify for more Loadchief jobs — A4DD updates Loadchief on your insurance, training, etc.
  • $4.99 Occupational Accident Insurance for a day — or save 40%-60% for monthly (or weekly) protection

Then take advantage of all your Association has to offer.