
Food Delivery Drivers Get a Raise! Here’s What It Means for You

Food Delivery Drivers Get a Raise! Here’s What It Means for You

food delivery driver

A game-changing minimum wage increase for food delivery drivers in New York City.

Good news for food delivery drivers in New York City! Mayor Eric Adams and the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection have announced a new law that will raise the minimum wage for food delivery drivers to $17.96 per hour, starting immediately. The minimum wage will then increase to $19.96 per hour by April 1, 2025.

This is a significant victory for over 60,000 food delivery workers in NYC, who have been fighting for a fair wage for years. The old minimum wage of $7.09 per hour was simply not enough to cover the costs of living and working in New York City.

Benefits of the new law:

The new law also includes a number of other benefits for food delivery workers, such as:

  • Paid sick leave
  • Access to workers’ compensation
  • A prohibition on companies taking tips from workers

Benefits like these will ensure that food delivery workers are treated fairly and compensated appropriately.

Impact on independent contractors:

It is important to note that the new law only applies to food delivery workers who are employees of third-party delivery companies. Independent contractors are not covered by the law.

However, the law is still a positive development for independent contractors. It shows that there is growing support for gig workers and that governments are willing to take steps to protect your rights.


The new minimum wage law for food delivery workers in NYC is a major victory for workers’ rights. It is also a sign that the gig economy is changing.

If you are curious about how we can support independent contractors, check this out. 

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